Talk 01
This is a new series of articles to introduce my inner voice. (temporary content will be published in tree hole)It has no fixed update time, just depe
此 生 无 悔 恋 真 白 ,来 世 愿 入 樱 花 庄 。
This is a new series of articles to introduce my inner voice. (temporary content will be published in tree hole)It has no fixed update time, just depe
在阅读之前, 我希望你知道:这是一篇主观性非常强的文章这是一篇纯吹水的文章, 没有任何干货我对 魔女之旅/伊蕾娜 的了解仅限于 TV 动画共计 12 集的内容熟悉我的人都知道我很关心世萌 (更准确的说是关心 椎名真白 在 世萌 中的表现), 去年真白又一次倒在了四强赛上 (流水的萌王, 铁打的真白啊
由于最近又入了一款键盘,突然心血来潮想简评一下自己用过的几款键盘这并不是一篇导购文,仅仅是一篇心血来潮的闲聊(水文)或许是我用的键盘一直都是评价较好的几款,所以就导致这篇文章中讲到的键盘都是我比较喜欢的(或者说在键盘上我没那么挑剔)下文按照时间顺序说说我用过的键盘罗技 K120使用年份:09 ~ 1
From 2019.10 - 2021.1, I have been unemployed, stay at home for a long time.From 2021.1 - now, I work for a game company as a backend programer.Time f
ContextOur company assign a leader to talk about work status with employee on the end of year. usually the leader is from the career line, for me, my
On 2021.12.14, I sent the email of resignation, it was a hard selection:how happy you are to receive an offer, how uncomfortable you are to leave.
Background:for myself, I'm annoying after a debate, that will make me think too much, I said this in past articles, such like this. Then I find a conc
When you talk about something empty like nothing, there gets a lots of words, they seem could show my ambition and make me look like aggressive. So I
Sometimes, discussion will become a debate.I don't like debate, especially with friend or someone around, here are some of the reasons:The winner of d